Make your control bar from the following class derived from
TDockableControlBar (instead of TDockableControlBar itself):
class TMyToolbar : public TDockableControlBar
TMyToolbar(TWindow* parent) : TDockableControlBar(parent) {}
void Hide()
void Show(THarbor* harbor)
harbor->Insert(*this, Location, &Rect.TopLeft());
harbor->Move(*this, Location, &Rect.TopLeft());
void SavePosition()
// get the absolute location of the toolbar
TDockingSlip* dockingSlip = TYPESAFE_DOWNCAST(Parent, TDockingSlip);
Location = (dockingSlip ? dockingSlip->GetLocation() : alTop);
// get the rectangle of the toolbar
TFloatingSlip* floatingSlip = TYPESAFE_DOWNCAST(Parent, TFloatingSlip);
if (floatingSlip) floatingSlip->GetWindowRect(Rect);
else GetRect(Rect);
TResult WindowProc(uint msg, TParam1 p1, TParam2 p2)
if (msg == WM_SHOWWINDOW && !p1) // we are being hidden
return TDockableControlBar::WindowProc(msg, p1, p2);
TRect Rect;
TAbsLocation Location;