Date: 5 February 1997
Author: Christopher Kohlhoff
To create a shell item from a path you can use it like
TShellItem item("c:\\temp");
which will create a shell item for the given directory, or like
TShellItem item("c:\\autoexec.bat");
which creates an item for the given file.
To create a shell item for a special system folder, use something like:
TShellItem item(TShellItem::Desktop);
// create the shell item for where we start browsing
// (we will use the desktop). This MUST be a folder.
TShellItem browseRoot(TShellItem::Desktop);
// browse for the folder
TShellItem::TCreateStruct selItem;
if (browseRoot.BrowseForFolder(selItem, HWindow))
TShellItem item(selItem);
// the object to make a shortcut to
const char* object = "c:\\Program Files";
// the place to save the shortcut
const char* path = "c:\\Shortcut to Programs.lnk";
// the description of the shortcut
const char* description = "Shortcut to Programs";
if (!SUCCEEDED(TShellItem::CreateShortCut(object,
MessageBox("Could not create shortcut.");
It is important that the path parameter specify the full path of the link file to be saved. The filename component should be what you want as the description.
Note: this example used the static member function version of CreateShortCut. A non-static version is also available (that is, it requires a TShellItem object) but I would not advise using it. It does not save the shortcut to disk, and if you want to save it yourself you have to mess around with the OLE IPersistFile interface. Not worth the trouble.
TShellItem item("c:\\temp\\readme.txt");
// copy the item
TShellItem copyDest("c:\\temp\\readme2.txt");
Item.Copy(copyDest, 0, "Copying File", HWindow);
// move the item
TShellItem moveDest("c:\\temp\\readme3.txt");
Item.Move(moveDest, 0, "Moving File", HWindow);
// rename the item
// delete the item
Item.Delete(0, "Deleting File", HWindow);
// context menu identifiers
const int kContextBase = 28000;
const int kContextMax = 28100;
// ...
// ...
void TShExWindow::EvContextMenu(HWND childHwnd, int x, int y)
TWindow::EvContextMenu(childHwnd, x, y);
// create a popup menu for the item
TPopupMenu menu;
// add the shell item's menu commands
ContextMenu = Item.GetContextMenu(*this);
ContextMenu->QueryContextMenu(menu, 0, kContextBase,
kContextMax, CMF_NORMAL);
// execute the popup menu
x, y, 0, *this);
TResult TShExWindow::EvCommand(uint id, THandle hWndCtl,
uint notifyCode)
TResult result = TWindow::EvCommand(id, hWndCtl, notifyCode);
if (id >= kContextBase && id <= kContextMax)
// initialise the command information
info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
info.fMask = 0;
info.hwnd = *this;
info.lpVerb = (LPCSTR) MAKELONG(id - kContextBase, 0);
info.lpParameters = NULL;
info.lpDirectory = NULL;
info.nShow = SW_SHOW;
// execute the selected command
return result;