Articles OWL HOW Needs
OWL HOW really needs articles on the topics below.
If you want to suggest a topic, please use the
contribution form and it will be
placed in this list.
Doc-View Tutorial
I must admit that even I do not properly understand Doc-View in OWL.
This needs to be a (possibly step-by-step) tutorial on Doc-View
explaining it in terms that everyone can understand, showing the
right way to do it.
Using TRichEdit
How to use the TRichEdit class, not just for plain old boring text editing,
but how to do things like inserting an image using OLE, text justification,
formatting and more. What would be good is an example of, say, how
to use it to display a subset of HTML.
How to print using OWL. Multi-page documents and scaling printouts to match
the printer's capabilities. What roles TPrinter and TPrintout play in the
process and who is responsible for counting pages, scaling etc.
Displaying and changing bitmaps, GIFs, JPGs on a TDialog or within a frame?
An example that will demonstrate the use of the Win32
SetWindowRgn API function to create non rectangular windows in OWL. (In progress.)