
SC3K Map Editor

Download this file to your hard disk and run it to start the installation program. Depending on your system configuration you may also need to download the updates from Microsoft listed below.

If you already have a previous version of SC3K Map Editor installed please uninstall it before installing this new version. You may uninstall SC3K Map Editor by going to Control Panel|Add/Remove Programs.

Version 1.2 (992 kb) (What's new...)

By downloading and using this software you agree to the terms of the license.

Please report any problems or bugs to Try to include as much information as possible.

Fractal Plug-In (for version 1.0 or 1.1 only)

Download this file to give SC3K Map Editor the ability to generate fractal terrains. Please consult the included Readme.txt file for information on installing and using the fractal plug-in.

Fractal Plug-In (206 kb)


The SC3K Map Editor requires OpenGL to run. Recent versions of Windows do include OpenGL, however older versions of Windows 95 did not include it. If you do not have OpenGL on your system you can download it from Microsoft's FTP site.

You can check whether your Windows 95 system has OpenGL on it by checking if the files opengl32.dll and glu32.dll are in the system directory (usually c:\windows\system). If they are not there then download the above package and copy these files into that location.

Common Controls

The SC3K Map Editor uses the Microsoft Windows common controls that were included with Internet Explorer 4.0 or later. If the SC3K Map Editor toolbars and menus do not display correctly when run, and you do not have Internet Explorer 4.0 or later installed, try downloading and installing the common controls update from Microsoft's FTP site.